Quantech Wins Space and Missile Center Enterprise Cross Mission Ground contract at Los Angeles AFB, CA
Quantech Services, Inc., Lexington, MA, is proud to announce our team has been awarded an Acquisition and Financial Support Services task order to provide the Cross-Mission Ground and Communications Enterprise with a broad range of acquisition, financial, and administrative capabilities to execute effective and responsive integrated program management of space-related research, development, sustainment, and lifecycle acquisition activities. Our team will perform over $100M worth of work over nearly 5 years in El Segundo, CA, Colorado Springs, CO and Washington, DC. We are very excited to be a part of this exciting work and look forward to serving this customer with extraordinary talent and commitment! Quantech has continuously and successfully supported a variety of Space and Missile Center (SMC) customers since 2007 and understands and stands ready to support the evolving needs and future challenges they face under the SMC 2.0 reorganization!